AMPS is all about armor modeling and the preservation of armor and mechanized heritage.
About AMPS

The Armor Modeling and Preservation Society, Inc., orAMPS, was founded in 1993. Although AMPS’s main function is as a modeling club, it is definitely a different type of modeling organization compared to IPMS or other mainstream groups. AMPS has a Constitution and Bylaws to govern how it is run and the AMPS judging system rewards individual effort using a point system to minimize subjectivity.

The purpose of AMPS is to foster a knowledge and appreciation of the history of armored vehicles, through examination of preserved examples located in both museums and private collections, in miniature through modeling. To this end, AMPS publishes a 32-page journal called Boresight six times a year. This journal covers reviews, tips, articles on preserved vehicles, and comparisons of models and related items.

AMPS membership entitles you to product discounts from some of the most innovative products in our hobby. Read about discounts here.

AMPS also hosts an international convention every spring in which the subject of armor is supreme. The convention features the best armor model vendors, seminars from armor experts and an excellent example of the best armor models from around the world in its competition. Competition is organized into five levels - junior, basic, intermediate, advanced and master - and the judging system rewards the modeler for his individual effort, not in comparison to other modelers.

If you like to build armor models, we’d love to have you as a member.

Join AMPS / Renew Your Membership

AMPS has five types of membership:

Regular Membership includes a subscription to two printed issues Boresight magazine per year and all six online issues of Boresight magazine per year, access to the member’s-only areas of this website and voting rights on society business matters, among other privileges. This is only available to members in the United States.

Junior Membership is for anyone 17 years or younger who wants to become an AMPS member. Junior members receive two printed issues Boresight magazine per year, access to all six online issues of Boresight magazine per year,, any vendor discounts, have access to the member’s-only areas of this website, can attend the annual AMPS general meeting, and can enter competitions. This is only available to members in the United States.

Family Membership is for anyone living at the same address as a regular member who is currently paid up and receives Boresight magazine. Family members do not receive an individual printed copy of Boresight, but can enjoy the online version of Boresight, any vendor discounts, have access to the member’s-only areas of this website, can attend the annual AMPS general meeting, and can enter competitions as long as they are accompanied by the general member. This is only available to members in the United States.

International Membership is for anyone outside of the United States and includes all benefits of a Regular membership except for printed issues of Boresight. It does include access to the online Boresight issues. This is only available to members outside of the United States.

Regular + All Printed Issues Membership includes a subscription to six printed issues of Boresight magazine per year (as well as access to the same issues online), access to the member’s-only areas of this website and voting rights on society business matters, among other privileges. This is only available to members in the United States.

All memberships are available in one, two or three year terms. Boresight magazine is published six-times per year and printed copies are mailed using Third Class Bulk mail.

Anyone with an active AMPS membership that recruits a new AMPS member will receive a four-month extension to their membership, which equates to two issues of AMPS Boresight magazine. A new member is defined as someone who has never been an AMPS member or someone whose AMPS membership lapsed at least three years prior to renewing (subject to verification by the Membership Coordinator). In order to receive this benefit the new/joining member must enter the name of the person who recruited/referred them in the “Instructions to Merchant” section for all PayPal transactions or simply add a note in the payment envelope for all snail mail (check/MO) payments.

All payments must be in U.S. funds, by check or moneyorder. You can also pay for your membership using a credit card through PayPal. All foreign payments must be made by bank-draft or money-order drawn on a U.S. bank. Membership begins with the first issue after the membership application is processed..

AMPS is run by member volunteers - just like you. Please allow two weeks for your membership or renewal to be processed. If you want to volunteer to improve AMPS, please contact your regional VP.

For more information on membership in AMPS, please contact the Membership Coordinator (scroll down).

Membership Rates

Membership Type One Year Two Years Three Years
2 printed and 4 digital issues per year
$30 $55 $80
Under 18 years old, 2 printed and 4 digital issues per year
$15 $25 $35
Associated with a regular member, 6 digital issues per year
$5 $10 $15
6 digital issues per year
$25 $45 $65
Regular + All Printed Issues
6 printed issues per year
$55 $105 $155
The AMPS Executive Board
Click on a name to contact that board member
 Mike Petty
First Vice-President
 Neil Stokes
2nd Vice-President, Eastern US Region
 Jeff Nelson
2nd Vice-President, South US Region
 LaDorr (Ed) Ingersoll
2nd Vice-President, Midwest US Region
 Chuck Aleshire
2nd Vice-President, Central US Region
 Robert Bethea
2nd Vice-President, Western US Region
 Paul R. Miles
2nd Vice-President, Canada Region
 Paul Roberts
2nd Vice-President, International Region
 Chris Lloyd-Staples
 Thomas Faith
 Brian Eberle
Publications Editor
 Shon Stephens
 Chuck Rothman
Assistant Webmaster
 John Robinson
Chief Judge
 David Vickers
International Show Chair
 Peter Espada
Public Information Officer
 Chuck Willis
Membership Coordinator
 Brian Eberle
Chapter Coordinator
 John Charvat
Sponsorship Director
 Frank Froment
Reviews Coordinator
 Michael Reeves
Vendor Coordinator
 Chris Graeter
Raffle Coordinator
 Georg Eyerman
Boresight Distribution
 Brian Eberle
2nd Vice-President, North-Western US Region
 Erik Brubaker
Social Media Coordinator
 Dan Egan