ANOTHER PRICE REDUCTION: I've lowered the price of the items AGAIN. For Sale: I have a 1/35 Trumpeter Mil MI-4A Hound A Helicopter Model Kit (05101) and the aftermarket LEM Kits MI-4AV Armament Set (A35002) I’m selling. Both are complete and unstarted.
The model/armament package price is $120 USD which INCLUDES SHIPPING IN CONUS.
If you want to just purchase the model kit, the price is $87 USD, CONUS shipping included. And, if you want to purchase the Armament set alone, it is $43 USD, again, CONUS shipping included
I will accept check, money order or PayPal (Goods & Services) as payments. If using a check, I will wait until it clears the bank before sending the package.
If interested, please contact me directly at patrix1 AT (replacing “AT” with “@”).
Patrick Keenan
Mundelein, IL