AMPS is all about armor modeling and the preservation of armor and mechanized heritage.

Pen & Sword- Panther Medium Tank: IV.SS-Panzerkorps Eastern Front, 1944

ISBN Number: 1526791269 Publisher: Pen and Sword Books
Published: Friday, June 11, 2021 Retail Price: 24.95
Reviewed By: Steve Santucci

Panther Medium Tank: IV.SS-Panzerkorps Eastern Front, 1944 

Publisher: Pen & Swords Books: Tank Craft 2021,

64 pages, soft cover

Author: Dennis Oliver 

 We are no stranger to Pen & Sword books and this series should not be a stranger to you! This softcover book is #32 in the series. Full of black and white photos, color images in the model build and product section, as well as tables, drawings and diagrams followed by artist rendering camo schemes. This book has a little of everything to make a worthwhile tool in the research and build arsenal.  The table of contents outlines the main topics of discussion and are as follows: Introduction, The Eastern Front, 1944, IV.SS-Panzerkorps Units, Camouflage & Markings, Model Showcase, Modelling Products, Technical Details and Modifications, and Product Contact Details. 

 So let’s dive into the book! As the title reads, it is specific to Korps, year and location. The book provides background on the development and purpose of the Panther tank. The next few pages provide a map and timeline of the Korps areas of operations and actions in 1944.  A formations chart is also provided with the pages of the book. Photographs are great sources, of which many are close-ups of the tanks. A real treasure for those striving to build an accurate and detailed Panther. The book also focuses on specific Panzer regiments such as The SS-Panzer Regiment Totenkopf, and Wiking.