AMPS is all about armor modeling and the preservation of armor and mechanized heritage.

AMPS 2025 International Convention
Contest Pre-Registration

You can use this system to pre-register your model entries and print your completed registration forms. When you arrive at the show, there will be a special line for you to receive your admission badge, after which you can walk right into the pass-through table and hand off your entries.

Pre-registration is open from Wednesday, January 1, 2025 to Sunday, May 11, 2025. After pre-registration closes you will still be able to edit and print out your forms. Registration involves filling out the online registration form and then paying the registration fee. Once paid, you will be able to add your model entries and print out your forms.

When you pre-register, you need to enter the number of models you intend to enter. If you want change this number later on, you can by editing your registration record. We use this number for show planning to ensure that judging runs smoothly, so please try and be accurate with your entry count.

Payment for the online registration system is via Paypal only. You can pay for registration using cash or check at the show.

Please note - you can't print blank entry forms. You must fill in all of your entry information first. You will then be able to print forms that are completely filled in. Non-printed forms will not be accepted at the show.
You need to pre-register even if you are only entering Display Only models.

Contest Registration Rates

Adult AMPS Members: $45 for 1 to 18 models
Junior AMPS Members (under 18): $30 for up to 18 models
Special: Receive $5 off when you pre-register and join or renew your AMPS membership at the same time (except for Family Memberships). Click here to see membership rates. Note that you can only join or renew for one year at this special rate.

Membership Notice

You have to be a member of AMPS to register for the contest.

  • If you are a former AMPS member, you will need to renew before you can pre-register - the combination renewal/registration rate is discounted compared to renewing and registering separately.
  • If you are not an AMPS member, you will need to join AMPS before you can pre-register - the combination membership/registration rate is discounted compared to joining and registering separately.