Time Left to Finish Your Models:
Atlanta Armor, Figure, and Modeling Contest and Exhibition
Again at Our New Location!
Atlanta Marriott
Century Center
2000 Century Blvd., Atlanta, GA 30345
Friday, Feb. 17 thru Sunday Feb. 19, 2012
The Atlanta Marriott Century Center is an established hotel with extensive experience hosting events like ours. The complex was remodeled within the past year and the staff is eager to welcome us to our new site!
2012 Show Theme:
“Desert Armor”
Click Here to Download Master Administration Form (1 per Modeler)
Click Here to Download Model Registration Form (1 per Model)
Over 110 Vendor Tables!
At Least 35 Armor Only Vendor Tables!
All Models Judged With The AMPS Open System!
A Great Way To Tune Up For The 2012 AMPS Nationals!
Great Southern Climate And Hospitality!
To download a printable show flyer, click here.
Schedule of Events
Friday, February 17
7:00 – 9:00 pm – Exhibitor registration and set up.
Exhibit and vendor halls open
Saturday, February 18
9:00 am – Exhibitor registration and set up opens vendor hall opens
10:00 am – Exhibit hall opens
12:00 noon – Exhibitor registration closes
7:00 pm – Vendor hall closes for the day
9:00 – Exhibit hall closes for the day
Sunday, February 19
9:00 am – Exhibit and vendor halls open
11:00 am – Awards presentation
AMPS created a unique system to both judge the model and honor the modeler for artistic achievement and historical accuracy. It is a peer evaluation and mentoring and not a performance critique by experts. The system groups modelers that have similar skill levels and talents and rates the model in relation to the ability of the modeler rather than against the work of another modeler. The skill levels are Junior, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Master.
Each model is reviewed and evaluated on its own merits and never compared to another one. Established criteria determine the scoring of the model and qualify the modeler for Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Each model is judged by a team of judges that score the model independently and the lowest score among the team is dropped. Constructive feedback is provided that sets a path to becoming a better, more skilled modeler.