AMPS is all about armor modeling and the preservation of armor and mechanized heritage.

Volunteer at the AMPS 2024 International Convention

AMPS shows are very labour intensive. Registration, raffle table, setup, takedown, and judging all need people to help out. The AMPS judging system, in particular, requires many people to pitch in so that we can get through all the models we expect to receive over the course of the show.

Anyone, whether you've had none, a little or a lot of AMPS experience, is welcomed to volunteer to help out. You can judge, move models or assist at the registration table.

If you have any questions about volunteering at the show, use the contact form to send a message to David Vickers, the show's chief judge.

Your current profile is as follows:

Email Address
AMPS Judging Experience
Judging Speciality

You have volunteered for the following positions:

Shift Task

To register for a task, expand the shift and select an open slot.